#title: "RMarkDown and TeX Memo"
#author: "INOUE Takakatsu 更新:`r Sys.Date()`"
- \usepackage{color}
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- \newcommand{\myAre}{{\color{red}{\Large アレ}}}
- \newcommand{\overarc}[1]{\stackrel{\Large\mbox{$\frown$}}{#1}}
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最終更新: `r Sys.Date()`
`r S05 <- 1469; S0 <- 605; S1 <- 255; S2 <- 96; S <- S0+S1+S2; Sum <- S05 + S0 + S1 +S2`
累積距離 = **`r Sum` km** (`r Sys.Date()` 現在)<br>
最終更新: 2022-04-10
累積距離 = **2425 km** (2022-04-10 現在)<br>
<a name="PageTop"></a>
<div style="text-align:right; color:blue">
[ サイトTop](../SiteTop.html)
[ PageTop](#PageTop)
[ PageEnd](#PageEnd)
5 \,\mathrm{cm} ~~~ 5 \,\mathrm{cm}^2 ~~~ 5 \,\mathrm{cm}^3 \\
5 \,\mathrm{m} ~~~ 5 \,\mathrm{km} ~~~ 5 \,\mathrm{km/分} \\
30\,℃ ~~~ 90° ~~~ \angle \mathrm{ABC} = 45^{\circ} ~~~
\[ 5 \,\mathrm{cm} ~~~ 5 \,\mathrm{cm}^2 ~~~ 5 \,\mathrm{cm}^3 ~~~\\ 5 \,\mathrm{m} ~~~ 5 \,\mathrm{km} ~~~ 5 \,\mathrm{km/分} ~~~ \\ 30\,℃ ~~~ 90° ~~~ \angle \mathrm{ABC} = 45^{\circ} ~~~ \]
* 方法0: AB = 2cm, AC = $3\sqrt{2}$cm, BE = $\dfrac{2\sqrt{5}}{3}$cm
* 方法1: AB = $2$ cm, AC = $3\sqrt{2}$ cm, BE = $\dfrac{2\sqrt{5}}{3}$ cm
* 方法2: AB = 2$\mathsf{cm}$, AC = $3\sqrt{2}$$\mathsf{cm}$,
BE = $\dfrac{2\sqrt{5}}{3}$$\mathsf{cm}$
* 方法3:
$\mathsf{AB} = 2\,\mathsf{cm}$,$\mathsf{AC} = 3\sqrt{2}\,\mathsf{cm}$,
$\mathsf{BE} = \dfrac{2\sqrt{5}}{3}\,\mathsf{cm}$
* 原稿1: AB = 2cm, AC = $3\sqrt{2}$ cm, BE = $\dfrac{2\sqrt{5}}{3}$ cm
* 原稿2:
$\mathsf{AB} = 2\mathsf{cm}$,$\mathsf{AC} = 3\sqrt{2}\,\mathsf{cm}$,
$\mathsf{BE} = \dfrac{2\sqrt{5}}{3}\,\mathsf{cm}$
$...$ : 数式モードの開始と終了
\mathsf{...} : 数式モード内のフォントの指定
\dfrac{A}{B} : 分数A/B
\sqrt{A} : 平方根
\, ; 数式内微小可変スペース
注: 方法0〜2ではAB,AC、BEは本文のフォントが使われ,
\ell ~~~ + ~~~ - ~~~ \pm ~~~ \mp ~~~ \times ~~~ \div ~~~ \angle ~~~ \triangle ~~~
\bot ~~~ \perp ~~~ {\small /\!/} ~~~\parallel ~~~ ≡ ~~~ \equiv ~~~ \neq ~~~ \sim ~~~
∽ ~~~ \mathrel{≦} ~~~ \mathrel{≧} ~~~ \leqq ~~~ \geqq ~~~\subset ~~~ \supset ~~~
\in ~~~ \notin ~~~ \ni ~~~ \hat{a} ~~~ \equiv ~~~ \neq ~~~ \sim ~~~ \tilde{a} ~~~
1.2\dot{3} ~~~ \stackrel{\frown}{AB} ~~~ \overarc{AB} ~~~ \overarc{ABC}
\mid ~~~ \{ ~~~ \}
\[ ell: \ell ~~~ + ~~~ - ~~~ (pm): \pm ~~~ (mp): \mp ~~~ (times):\times ~~~ (div):\div ~~~ 角度(angle): \angle ~~~ 三角形(triangle): \triangle ~~~ \\ 垂直(bot):\bot ~~~ 垂直(perp):\perp ~~~ 平行:{\small /\!/} ~~~平行(pararel): \parallel ~~~ \\ 同値(≡): ≡ ~~~ 同値(equiv): \equiv ~~~ 非等(neq): \neq ~~~ 近似(sim): \sim ~~~ 相似: ∽ ~~~ \] \[ mathrel{≦}: \mathrel{≦} ~~~ mathrel{≧}: \mathrel{≧} ~~~ leqq: \leqq ~~~ geqq: \geqq ~~~ \subset ~~~ \supset ~~~ \in ~~~ \notin ~~~ \ni ~~~ \hat{a} ~~~ \tilde{a} ~~~ 1.2\dot{3} ~~~ \stackrel{\frown}{AB} ~~~ \stackrel{\Large\mbox{$\frown$}}{AB} ~~~ \stackrel{\Large\mbox{$\frown$}}{ABC} ~~~ \mid ~~~ \{ ~~~ \} \]
\[mathnormal: ABCabc, mathrm: \mathrm{ABCabc}, mathit: \mathit{ABCabc}, mathbf: \mathbf{ABCabc}, \\ mathsf: \mathsf{ABCabc}, marhtt: \mathtt{ABCabc}, \\ mathfral: \mathfrak{ABCabc}, mathcal: \mathcal{ABCabc}, mathbb: \mathbb{ABCabc}, mathscr: \mathscr{ABCabc}, \\ boldsymbol: \boldsymbol{\beta}, (normal-symbol): \beta \]
\[ 手動サイズ::~~ 標準:(, big(: \big(, Big(: \Big(, bigg(: \bigg(, Biggg: \Bigg( \\ 自動サイズ::~~\left( \frac{x^2}{y^3} \right), ~~ \left. \frac{x^2}{3} \right|_{x=0}^1 \]
\[ \frac{1}{2} ~~~~ ^1_2 ~~~~ \dfrac{1}{2} \]
\[ hat: \hat{a} ~~~ grave: \grave{a} ~~~ dot: \dot{a} ~~~ not: \not{a} ~~~ overrightarrow: \overrightarrow{AB} ~~~ overline: \overline{aaa} ~~~ breve: \breve{a} ~~~ dddot: \dddot{a} ~~~ widehat: \widehat{AAA} ~~~ \\ stackel: \stackrel\frown{AAA} ~~~ tilde: \tilde{a} ~~~ bar: \bar{a} ~~~ acute: \acute{a} ~~~ ddot: \ddot{a} ~~~ mathring: \mathring{a} ~~~ \\ overleftarrow: \overleftarrow{AB} ~~~ check: \check{a} ~~~ vec: \vec{a} ~~~ dddot: \ddddot{a} ~~~ widetile: \widetilde{AAA} ~~~ underline: \underline{a} ~~~ \]
\[ A_{m,n} = \begin{pmatrix} a_{1,1} & a_{1,2} & \cdots & a_{1,n} \\ a_{2,1} & a_{2,2} & \cdots & a_{2,n} \\ \vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\ a_{m,1} & a_{m,2} & \cdots & a_{m,n} \end{pmatrix} \quad \begin{array}{c|c} 1 & 2 \\ \hline 3 & 4 \end{array} \]
\[ 50 \text{ apples} \times 100 \text{ apples} = \text{lots of apples}^2 \]
\underline{x+y} ~~~~~ \overline{x+y} ~~~~~~ \\
\underbrace{x + \cdots + z}_{26} ~~~~~~ \overbrace{x + \cdots + z}^{26} ~~~~~~\\
f(x) \stackrel{\mathrm{def}}{=} a\,x + b\\
\[ \underline{x+y} ~~~~~ \overline{x+y} ~~~~~~ \\ \underbrace{x + \cdots + z}_{26} ~~~~~~ \overbrace{x + \cdots + z}^{26} ~~~~~~ \\ f(x) \stackrel{\mathrm{def}}{=} a\,x + b ~~~\\ \]
%------ 丸数字の設定(使用:html不可,pdf可)
% 例 \maru{1} --->
\[ \maru{1}~ f(x)=a\,x+b~~~ \maru{2}~ f(x) = \dfrac{a}{x} \]
①~ y=x & ②~ y=x^2 & ③~ y=x^3 & ④~ y=x^4
\[ \begin{array}{llll} ①~ y=x & ②~ y=x^2 & ③~ y=x^3 & ④~ y=x^4 \end{array} \]
\maru{1}~~~\maru{12} ~~~ \maru{a} ~~~ \maru{A}
\[ \maru{1}~~~\maru{12} ~~~ \maru{a} ~~~ \maru{A} \]
Tex は {\color{red}{f(x)=e^{x^2} 赤字}} です.
$$\fbox{はこ} \hspace{2em} \fbox{$\hspace{1em}$①$\hspace{1em}$}$$
$$ {\color{blue}{\fbox{青はこ}}} ~~~ {\color{red}{\fbox{赤はこ}}}$$
注:カラーボックスはhtmlでは不可,tex,pdfでは可 \[\mathrm{Tex} は {\color{red}{f(x)=e^{x^2} 赤字}} です.\] \[\fbox{はこ} \hspace{2em} \fbox{$\hspace{1em}$①$\hspace{1em}$}\] \[ {\color{blue}{\fbox{青はこ}}} ~~~ {\color{red}{\fbox{赤はこ}}}\]
$$ x_i = a $$
$$ x\_i = a (エスケープ文字\ の必要なし)$$
\[ x_i = a \] \[ x\_i = a (エスケープ文字\ の必要なし)\]
f(x) =
x^2 & -1 \le x \le 1 ~のとき \\
0 & その他のとき \\
\[ f(x) = \begin{cases} x^2 & -1 \le x \le 1 ~のとき \\ 0 & その他のとき \\ \end{cases} \]
a_{11} x + a_{12} y = b_1 \\[1ex]
a_{21} x + a_{22} y = b_2 \nonumber
\[ \left\{ \begin{array}{l} a_{11} x + a_{12} y = b_1 \\[1ex] a_{21} x + a_{22} y = b_2 \nonumber \end{array} \right. \]
\mbox{min.} & \left| C_a X_a - C_b X_b \right| \\
\mbox{subject. to} & X_a + X_b \le 100 \\
& X_a \ge 0 \\
& X_b \ge 0
\[\begin{align} \mbox{min.} & \left| C_a X_a - C_b X_b \right| \\ \mbox{subject. to} & X_a + X_b \le 100 \\ & X_a \ge 0 \\ & X_b \ge 0 \end{align}\]
?? ?? 様
p.6 ↑2 \(\fbox{2}\)(1) \(x = \dfrac{2}{3}\,x\) → \(y = \dfrac{2}{3}\,x^2~~~\) (\(y =\) と 2乗)
p.7 ↓5〜 \(\fbox{2}\)(2) \(\sqrt{16} - 16\) → \(\sqrt{16 - 16}\)
\(\sqrt{16} - a\) → \(\sqrt{16 - a}\) 以下同様6箇所
○○ □□ 2022-04-10